Journals, 1803-1804.


Journals, 1803-1804.

Two volumes from the middle of his tour of Europe during the years 1802-1805; an intelligently and perceptively written account of his travels. The London journal covers the period 1803 Nov 20 to 1804 May 21. Walter writes of his friendship with other Americans there, including Washington Allston, Edmund T. Dana, Charles Lowell and Samuel and Benjamin Welles; his impressions upon visiting the British Museum, London hospitals; his reflections on literature, social conditions and prostitution in particular. The Paris journal, 1804 July 3 to 1804 Sept. 4, contains much first-hand information on Napoleon and the Imperial court; with visits to the Louvre, public parks, libraries and the opera highlighted. Walter was an informed and enthusiastic tourist. The two volumes contain side-notes in another hand, making a quick scan of the text possible.

2 v.


SNAC Resource ID: 6856475

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Walter, Arthur Maynard, 1780-1807 (person)